Di seguito, gli orari delle sante Messe del giorno:
ore 8.00 – S. Messa in Italiano
ore 9.30 – S. Messa in Italiano
ore 18.00 – Santo Rosario
ore 18.30 – S. Messa in Italiano
Si farà una novena di preghiera alla Madonna del Carmelo, alla santa Messa delle 18.30 a cominciare dal 7 al 15 luglio.
In modo da poter rispettare le norme di sicurezza ed evitare assembramenti sarà possibile iscrivere i vostri cari Defunti alla Pergamena del Carmine solamente tramite Whatsappo e-mail. Per essi viene celebrata una S. Messa di suffragio ogni ultimo lunedì del mese alle 18.30.
Starting from Monday, 19th July to Tuesday, 31st August, the 8:00 AM Weekday Mass and Adoration on Tuesday at 5:00 PM will be suspended. The 9.30 AM and 6:30 PM Masses remain from Monday to Friday. The Mass schedule won’t change for Saturday and Sunday.
Friday, 16th July 2020, is the patronal feast day of our Lady of Mount Carmel.
See the Holy Mass schedule of the day below:
8:00 AM – Holy Mass in Italian
9:30 AM – Holy Mass in Italian
6:00 PM – Holy Rosary
6:30 PM – Holy Mass in Italian
A novena of prayer to our Lady of Mount Carmel will be held at 6:30 PM Mass starting from 7th to 15th July.
In order to be able to comply with the safety rules and avoid gatherings, it will be possible to register your deceased loved ones in the “Pergamena del Carmine” only via Whatsappor e-mail. A Mass in memory of their souls is celebrated every last Monday of the month at 6:30 PM.
Starting from Monday, 19th July to Tuesday, 31st August, the 8:00 AM Weekday Mass and Adoration on Tuesday at 5:00 PM will be suspended.
The 9.30 AM and 6:30 PM Masses remain from Monday to Friday.
The Mass schedule won’t change for Saturday and Sunday.