The Nativity

Mary, with her white dress embellished with a remnant of St. Gallen and a blue ribbon that recalls the soft veil, recalls the welcome and sweetness that only a mother can understand. The dress was made from leftovers of quality fabric

San Giuseppe accanto a Maria rappresenta il suo sostegno, l’abito e il copricapo sono un upcycling di vestiti tipici della Palestina e il nord Africa che sono stati ripensati per trasmettere un messaggio di dignità e umiltà come San Giuseppe ci insegna. Il colore della veste richiama al legno materia prima del falegname.

The three wise men
The Three Wise Men represent all those who, guided by the light, arrive at the manger. The typical clothes of the Arab world have been rethought and modified to convey a message of unity between all peoples. Kaftans and dresses with inserts of African wax fabrics embellished with damask and gold headdresses as a symbol of the comet.

The nativity scene is completed by the shepherds who have arrived, representing each of us in our uniqueness and essential nature.
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